Newsletters - Sherrard Kuzz LLP
What’s in a Name? Not enough to show ‘class’ commonality, say Ontario’s Superior Court and Court of Appeal
Wisconsin v. Canada – A tale of two approaches to collective action in the workplace
Religious Holidays and Accommodation
Freedom of Association Enjoyed by Individuals, Not Unions - so says Ontario’s Highest Court
Criminal Record Checks. Managing liability and getting the information you need
Accommodation is a Three-Way Street: The employee, employer and union must participate
That’s Frustrating! Divisional Court clarifies employer’s right to terminate for cause when continued employment is illegal
Quitting Time. Ontario Court of Appeal affirms reasonable notice is a two-way street awarding $20 million in damages against four departing fiduciaries
Claim for Intrusion No Delusion
Bill 168 –“Ammunition” for Employers in Cases of Workplace Threats
Whirlpool Disappointed By What Comes Out in Judicial Wash
A “Traumatic” Decision The Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal Reconsiders Entitlement to Traumatic Mental Stress Benefits
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