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Responding to Union Organizing and Applications for Certification

Sherrard Kuzz LLP sets the industry standard. Our assistance is proactive, strategic and multi-faceted.

The first step begins long before there are signs of union activity.  This includes assisting clients develop strategies and implement practical programs to enhance the leadership skills of their front-line managers and supervisors.  The objective is to create or strengthen positive employee relations and a motivated workforce.  We always look for opportunities to enable our clients to take over training programs directly so their own leaders become more highly skilled and knowledgeable.

The second step is to train management to identify the signs of union activity and take proactive steps to address the underlying issues.

The third step, should union organizing occur, is to ensure managers and leaders know what they can and should say and do in response.  This includes assisting management to understand its right to free speech and how to exercise that right while remaining in compliance with the law.  Every manager and supervisor should have the knowledge, skills and tools to effectively lead their workforce in response to union organizing activity.

In the event a client receives an application for certification, we attend and remain at our client’s site so we are continually available to provide immediate assistance in real time, 24 hours a day, if requested, maximizing our client’s opportunity to successfully resist the union’s efforts.

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