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Occupational Health and Safety

We regularly advise and represent employers regarding their obligations under provincial occupational health and safety legislation as well as federal legislation such as amendments to the Criminal Code brought in through Bill C-45.

We assist employers to develop joint health and safety committees and provide training regarding the proper functioning of these groups.  This includes assisting clients develop internal health and safety committees, policies and programs, conduct workplace audit and investigations, and implement discipline and other enforcement mechanisms.

We assist employers to respond to Ministry of Labour orders including stop work orders under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and appeal orders by Ministry of Labour inspectors, and defend prosecution of charges under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.  We also have experience obtaining standing and participating in Coroner’s Inquests on behalf of Interested Parties.

Finally, in recent years the Ministry of Labour has significantly increased its focus on carrying out workplace spot audits under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.  We proactively assist clients prepare for and successfully participate in spot audits by helping them to:


  • Understand the importance of carrying out self-audits
  • Design effective self-audits
  • Respond appropriately to the results of a self-audit

Ministry of Labour Audit

  • Understand recent Ministry of Labour initiatives
  • Determine whether the workplace is a probable target
  • Understand what to do when an auditor comes knocking
  • Implement best practices to ensure a smooth audit process

(see also Management Training, Workplace Audits and Workplace Investigations)

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